
Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu faces crisis amid political furore over the proposed judicial overhaul

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu is in dire-straits amid the nationwide protest over his proposed judicial overhaul.

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu is in dire-straits amid the nationwide protest over his proposed judicial overhaul.

Amid the growing political turmoil in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to speak over the proposed judicial overhaul, on Monday, March 27th.

Earlier, on Sunday, March 26th, mass protests erupted across Israel after Netanyahu fired Israel Defence Minister Yoav Gallant (Likud Party). Gallant opposed the proposed judicial overhaul citing potential threats. After a meeting with the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, Gallant explained that the potential security crisis ensuing after the proposed judicial overhaul would hand weapons to Israel’s enemies.

For months, the Israeli protesters have been taking to the streets against the proposed judicial overhaul. The proposed plan aims to provide more power to the Israeli parliament. It also seeks to divest the Supreme Court of Israel of the power to declare a parliamentary decision null and void.

Israeli protesters claimed that the proposed judicial overhaul would destroy the democratic nature of the state and turn it into an autocratic one. After the protests erupted, many personnel of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) refused to serve, expressing their solidarity with the protesters.

Amid this political turmoil, Netanyahu said he is set to speak to his political allies over the proposed judicial overhaul and hinted at considering stalling it. After this, some members of Netanyahu’s coalition government threatened to quit.

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