
Lukashenko congratulates Second International Anti-Fascist Congress in Minsk

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko greeted the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress taking place in the capital city of Minsk.

Lukashenko congratulates Second International Anti-Fascist Congress in Minsk

Photo credit: Belta.By

President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko sent congratulatory greetings to the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress. Lukashenko said that the time has come when it is necessary to present a common front against the warmongers.

“The time has come when all people of goodwill need to unite and to present a common front against the warmongers of another world war, who have once again raised the banners of fascism and Nazism”, Lukashenko said in his greeting to the participants in the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress.

Lukashenko recalled that the US and its satellites in their attempts to “preserve global hegemony and slow down the development of countries which they consider as their rivals have been destroying the system of global security, breeding colour revolutions and armed conflicts on all continents and rudely interfering in the affairs of independent states.”

Lukashenko emphasised that the history of the second world war was being rewritten, while decisions and resolutions adopted at the level of European structures justify Nazi war criminals and shift the blame for unleashing that war to the Soviet Union

According to the president, the fruits of that policy can be seen in Ukraine, “where a brutal, misanthropic, pro-fascist regime has been planted, and which has unleashed a civil war inside the country and is ready to fight for the interests of the United States to the last Ukrainian.”

“Our people, who lost every third person during the Great Patriotic War, know well what war is like. We always stand for peace, equality and dialogue among peoples”, he added. 

Apart from Lukashenko, Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu also addressed the plenary session of the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress, taking place in Minsk, the capital of Belarus.participants through a message. 

Shoigu’s message to the participants of the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress said that the event will help unite progressive forces in eradicating Nazi ideas. 

“I am confident that the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress will contribute to uniting the efforts of progressive forces from various countries aimed at eradicating hateful Nazi ideas”, the message reads. 

“Western globalist elites continue to talk about their exceptionalism, triggering deadly conflicts and coups, sowing the seeds of Russophobia and aggressive nationalism, destroying morality and family values, and seeking to impose their will on other nations, along with their system of violence and suppression. The goal of the present-day revanchists is to ensure Russia’s disintegration and collapse, destroy the [Russia-Belarus] Union State and finally break down the system of global security and international law. This is precisely the reason for the catastrophe that the Ukrainian people are enduring today. They have become hostage to the criminal regime in Kiev and its Western masters, and are being used as a bargaining chip for the implementation of the brutal, perfidiously evil plans [of the Kiev regime and its Western patrons],” Shoigu’s message added.

Over 30 countries, including former Soviet Republics, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, etc, are participating in the Second International Anti-Fascist Congress. The forum aims to unite healthy international forces to confront the spread of fascist and Nazi ideas and preserve the historical truth about the second world war. 

The Second International Anti-Fascist Congress brings together military delegations, diplomatic professionals, government officials and members of public organisations, as well as representatives of the academic community, major religious denominations, media outlets and veterans of the ‘Great Patriotic War’, the official name of the second world war in Russia and Belarus.

The First International Anti-Fascist Congress took place at the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Center outside Moscow on August 20th 2022, in conjunction with the Army-2022 International Military-Technical Forum.

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